Wednesday, June 16, 2004

California board proposes 30% cut in auto emissions

The plan is to check the emissions of gases linked to global warming in 2 steps for cars & trucks during 2009 - 2014 in California. It will be year by year level for cuts in emission for one passenger cars and two light duty trucks category.

It would start from 2.3% in 2009 to 30% in 2014. As said by Catherine Witherspoon, executive officer of the ARB " The proposal protects public health and conforms to the language and spirit of Assembly Bill 1493, which requires the ARB to limit emissions from California passenger cars that contribute to global warming " (day after tomorrow :) )

The plan is likely to go into effect by 2006 and the car makers would have 3 years to meek the guidelines.

It would be difficult for automakers to do the changes if this happens at state by state level. The change would require massive investments and if such laws are passed in only one state then the investments could be delayed.

What is needed is federal government should come forward and should pass a similar plan as a whole. California is leading the way, lets see who all will follow. Most likely next would be New York...


Blogger mohit said...

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3:48 AM  

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